
St. Dominic Parish School of Religion
Early Childhood Program

A religion readiness program for 3, 4, & 5(K) year olds 

 “Let the Children Come to Me” 

And the people were bringing children to Jesus for him to place his hands on them,
but the disciples scolded the people.
When Jesus saw this he was angry and said to his disciples,
“Let the children come to me; do not stop them,
because the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these.
I assure you that whoever does not receive the Kingdom of God like a child will never enter it.”
Then he took the children in his arms, placed his hands on each of them,
and blessed them.
Mark 10:13-16 

Jesus sent a very important message –
the Kingdom of God belongs to everyone, even the smallest members of our parish.
Every child is born with a sense of God’s presence and
it is important for the parents and the Church to nurture this sense.
The seeds of faith will grow in our little ones with the support of parents and the parish community.
Welcoming the Little Ones – Beth Branigan McNamara & Gina Wright McKeever

The Church sees the parents as the primary
religious educators and the family as a model for the Church.
An early childhood religious education program is a way for the parish community
to provide support and ongoing guidance to the parents
in modeling God’s love to the children.

 Please read on to find out more about our Early Childhood Program


Early Childhood Religious Education “Q&A” 

WHY teach early childhood religion?  
We are not teaching in the traditional sense. We are helping young children find God in the experience of their daily lives. We are, with the parents, helping form the foundation on which faith is built.

WHAT happens in class?
Usually, during our hour together, we welcome one another; have free play time; gather to review our last class together; join in a circle to hear a story and talk about our lesson; have activity time when we do crafts and maybe will sing songs; then we gather as community to Praise God, thank God for our class, share our thoughts, and ask God to bless the week ahead.

WHY have crafts?
The child can thrill not only to the creation of something beautiful, but also to another way of expressing inner feelings. The child readily is led to understand the product of his/her hand is an important and beautiful gift to God.

WHY have singing and dancing?
God gave the children their bodies. He gave them their lives as children. God loves for them to be happy in all situations in life – be it singing and dancing or sometimes just sitting quietly.

WHY talk so much about nature?
We lead the children to the essence of Truths of Faith by playing and praying with them, guiding them in their discovery that God gave them the sand in the sandbox at home and the air the balloons float in. That fuzzy caterpillar in their hand is just one of God’s many gifts.

HOW do young children learn?
Very young children learn primarily through their experiences, therefore, we incorporate self-initiated activities, discussion of human experiences, discovery (crafts, songs, fingerplays), which leads the children to their response with sharing and spontaneous prayer.

WHAT is the goal of early childhood religious education?
The primary goal is to help the child grow in knowledge of God as a loving parent as well as developing his/her own good feelings about himself/herself.

WHAT can parents do?
♥ Hug your child and ask God to bless them every day. The love you show as a parent will remind your child of how much they are loved by our heavenly Father.
♥ Be aware of the themes being taught in class and talk with your child about them.
♥ Each weekly theme will be reinforced with a craft. Display your child’s craft in your home. This is your child’s own unique way of sharing in God’s creation.
♥ Participate as a Parent-Helper in the classroom. Both Mothers & Fathers are welcomed to share a great learning experience with your child. 


When:  9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m on Sundays from September through May.
Admission:  Our Classes are open to children who are age 3 years by September 30, of the current year up to their entrance into the First Grade of Elementary School.
Fee: Thanks to the generous gift of an anonymous parishioner, and the parish's portion of the Archdiocese's One Faith, One Hope, One Love campaign, educational fees for the 2016/2107 school year have been waived.
Location: Classes are held in both Tile and Teal Hall and the 1st floor classrooms of St. Dominic School
Class Size: Our target class size is:
PRE 1:  3 yr olds – 8 to 10 children per classroom
PRE 2:  4 yr olds – 10 to 12 children per classroom
PRE 3:  5 +yr olds– 12 to14 children per classroom
Staff: (anyone over age 18 is required to comply with the Archdiocese of Cincinnati Child Protection Decree & St. Dominic Child Protection Policy)
Early Childhood Program Coordinator – Directly accountable to the CRE and/or Pastor. Responsible for the religious education of Preschool & Kindergarten age children, including: maintaining the program, supervising catechists & classroom assistants.
Catechist/Teachers – High School Graduate and Older The catechist has the major responsibility of conducting the weekly lesson with the children.
Classroom Assistants – 7th Grade and Older Assistants have the opportunity to help the catechist to enjoy being with the children and to experience first hand exactly what the catechists is attempting to do in the preschool program.
Curriculum: “Stories of God’s Love” Published by RCL Benzinger

If you would like more information about the program, or would like to help,
please call or email Linda Schill, Program Coordinator

Preschool/Kindergarten PSR begins on Sunday, 

To register online click here.

“Children are not only the future of the Church; they are part of the Church now.”

2 2Growing in Wisdom, Age and Grace – Joseph Cardinal Bernardin