

"For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and that of the gospel will save it."

- Mark 8:35



We are hiring a full-time Director of Religious Education (DRE) at St. Dominic. The St. Dominic Religious Education Programs are part of the Mary, Queen of All Saints Family of Parishes integrated education program. This person is responsible for coordinating the Parish School of Religion (PSR), and the Children’s Liturgy of the Word. This person works with the teachers to keep the school and the parish connected, coordinate any activity that involves both PSR and School students/parents involving the sacraments of First Communion, First Reconciliation, and Confirmation. Where these programs are integrated as part of the Family of Parishes, they will coordinate programs with the other churches/schools.

The candidate will also assist Deacon Mark Bardonaro and Julie Vaughn, DRE for our family of parishes to coordinate the RCIA process, and the baptismal and marriage preparation programs, already in place. They will help organize and run the Family of Parishes Vacation Bible School. This person will be working in coordination and cooperation with Julie Vaughn. For a full description of the position and/or to apply please contact Deacon Mark Bardonaro at 513-471-7741 ext. 415 by April 12.